What does wisdom space mean?
It is difficult to define exactly what wisdom space is but in my terms, it is mainly for you to obtain true happiness. All definitions or concepts that I have used are just to help you approach the truly happy world with abundant love, energy and enjoy; a satisfactory human life on this planet.

Just imagine that your brain is composed of various “drawers” to store everything you have seen, heard, studied and researched. For example, one drawer contains knowledge, experience and images of the past; while others keep in stock all desire, selfishness, altruism, conditional love energy, imagination, clear and practical visions, assessment, innocence, prejudice, arrogance, modesty, jealousy, anger, suffering, mistakes, regret and fear. And another drawer stores patience, true love, etc. Those drawers can be easily recognized and you can open them to make use of the accumulated contents in everyday activities but it is rather difficult. There is, however, a very special, perfect and miraculous drawer whose function is to solve any impasse of a human being. If we have a belief in an Omnipotent Almighty God or in Buddha with the ability to comprehend all matters and possess a mysterious and invisible power to create everything, then this “drawer” will be exactly the typical one. This drawer is empty but overwhelmed with miraculous power to supply you with whatever you want. I call it in my own terms the Wisdom Drawer. And implementing the Wisdom Meditation is to practice methods aiming at activating this miraculously invaluable drawer.
To bring you enthusiasm in practicing and gaining this habit for your spiritual cultivation, I offer herewith an extra addendum of humorous suggestions as follows:
Keep your personal ideas in a locker
As you know, it is very difficult for anybody to give up personal opinions or judgment, even toward people we love or respect the most. This fact deeply affects our meditation as well as our spiritual habits.
For example, a couple truly loves each other but often get into hot debates; their family is by far not happy. This incidental event has happened repeatedly for many years. The husband and wife wish to stop quarreling but instead of sitting down to discuss and find out the reason for their frequent quarrels, the wife secretly went to a fortuneteller to seek advice.
The good-hearted fortuneteller suggested that they start their spiritual cultivation to promote happiness. With such a belief, the wife requested her husband to come to a pagoda asking for the know-how from a monk to lead a religious life. The husband, not believing in monks, did not agree with the idea and guessed that the quarreling was actually due to his wife’s talkative and obstinate character. The wife always wanted her husband to follow her opinions in teaching their children, in their relationship with friends and even in his routine doings.
Despite the husband’s discontent, the wife continued visiting the pagoda and then the monk taught her the magic mantra “Om Mani Pad Me Hum” which Tibetan Buddhists read everyday expecting a better life in their coming reincarnation. The monk insisted that those magic words were very effective and that if she kept reading them patiently, her husband would change his attitude. The wife followed the monk’s suggestion and murmured those words day in day out!
The husband grew more and more angry and often yelled at his wife for her stupid mumbling like a mentally ill person.
The wife became so sad but still believed she was on the right track of her religious path. She supposed that her husband kept scolding her because he did not accept the path. Upon someone’s suggestion, she decided to go to Tibet to meet Tibetan monks so as to learn the right way of saying the magic words more accurately. Of course the couple ended up in divorce because the husband could not accept his wife’s behavior and thought that she was stubbornly ignorant and misled by the monks!
I guarantee that, if the couple change themselves and put aside from their minds their prejudged ideas, then happiness would immediately rein in the family.
My observation also reveals many conflicts in the life of the husband and wife because each person always sticks to his or her own ideas and this fact cause happiness to fly away! Many times I have shared a way to effectively resolve problems, by looking further inside the brain to identify the cause of dispute leading to misfortune. Once the cause is found, everything can be easily solved.
I have also offered a joyful yet useful suggestion that if you have arranged worship altars for ancestors, religious masters, Buddha, Jesus…. for the sake of getting help but received no results, then you should make one more multi-locker cabinet, made of precious wood if possible, otherwise a regular cupboard could be just as fine; label it as Opinions Storing Warehouse and keep it in the most solemn place. The number of lockers will suit the number of grown-up members in the family. Upon returning home, each member, regardless whether he or she is the President or a regular citizen, is supposed to put personal opinions into this cabinet. In such a way each member of the family will live with direct intuition without the interference of personal opinions causing discontent. And in addition, you should also arrange another cabinet in which visiting friends can keep their opinions!
At “wisdom centers” where I conduct the practice of Wisdom Meditation techniques and give lectures on how Wisdom can flourish, it is also recommended to arrange a big multi-locker cabinet to be installed at the central hall for use by every practitioner.
Lovable dogs
Almost all inhabitants on this planet, specifically those in developed countries of Western Europe, Northern Europe and North America, have suffered lots of stress for different reasons, particularly people in countries with a life tied to credit (where people’s life depends on their debt from banks). In such a situation, pet dogs may play an important role in terms of eradicating. Some people complained that they had not found happiness in any circumstance of their marriage life, without knowing the reasons why but admitting their destiny. A lot of middle-aged women have moaned about their husband’s unmindfulness, indifference and disloyalty. They asked me to help them find a way to receive better treatment from their husbands.
I just told them to learn why pet dogs are adored by most people; sometimes that adoration was indeed warmer than the love between two persons. Some billionaires even left billions of dollars for their pet dogs when they passed away.
In what way do pet dogs behave to win their masters’ heart? First of all, it is because dogs cannot say anything to hurt their masters. They never complain, make no mistakes and never betray their masters. Consequently, how on earth can a person say rude words to them? They deserve our care and protection. Furthermore, they just play around naively, evoking an innocent atmosphere inside their master’s mind. With no intention at all, pet dogs contribute to gradually bring their masters back to their original path. Pet dogs really deserve our love and special care!
A glance at durians
Looking at a durian, you will notice its thorny solid skin that can cause bleeding if you accidentally hit it. However, inside the tough and detestable skin is its sweet, delicious and nourishing pulp. You must use the right way to open up a durian that is by means of a dull but strong knife to split its skin along the outer protruding parts from bottom up, to get the pulp.
When you look at someone, you often see the surface outlook and the surface appearance usually manifests uncomfortable or non-attractive things according to your prejudice. Beneath those unpleasant things, there may be valuable aspects that are hard to see. If you want them to show their valuable and lovable personal features, you should look at the best things that they are often proud of. Only act upon those aspects with your most sincere attitude and honesty; then both you and the other partner will enjoy peace, joy and happiness.
Do not trust your mind
I have repeatedly told practitioners not to continue piling up knowledge but use factual stories to question ourselves or doubt our mind. Only by this method we can gain control of our thinking mind .This method will actually change us so that our souls can flourish and our minds remain peaceful.
Do not stick any label on ourselves
One early Autumn evening when strolling along Huntington Beach in California with two successful businessmen, I told them that “In order to open up the Wisdom Space you should not stick any label on yourselves. Do not consider yourselves to be successful at the moment, and then later on you will not face failure. Do not judge yourself better than other people, then later on you will not feel the underdog or disgraced. Do not think you are first class citizens, since this is only a false vision from the tricky mind. Consequently, you will live a much simpler and comfortable life and the real value of yourselves will emerge. Do not think yourselves rich, and you will never feel poor. If any of you encounters a misfortune, do not view it as a failure. Patiently wait for something better and a certain miracle is likely to come to resolve the difficulty encountered.”
At present, those two businessmen are laborious practitioners of Wisdom Meditation. They have achieved encouraging results: they have found their mind more at ease and their working efficiency has been much improved. They can do things that they never could before; they are ready to save part of their precious time to look after their own moral life and their family.
I have also told some practitioners that “Moral concepts are not truly virtues; they are merely conventions imposed by humans. Do not pretend yourself to be a moral person or a representative of any moral lifestyle, much less thinking you are in a process of cultivating a religious life, because it will mislead your mind to cheat yourself and you will cheat others. Not pretending to be a moral person, then the Wisdom Space in your mind will adequately adjust your lifestyle to suit different moral norms on this planet. Refusing to pretend to be a moral will surely open up the Wisdom Space and the light of your heart will shine everywhere.
Best wishes to all of you!
Master Duy Tue
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